The passion for travel, the interest in cultures from all over the world is what drove Verena to create Bijondo 13 years ago.
Ensuring that our collaborators work in full compliance with fundamental principles is essential for us, and this is why we have always been committed to creating human relationships with them. We have been proud to work with numerous laboratories in Bali, the Philippines, Thailand and Italy since 2007, and every year we visit these places to ensure that the rights of all those who actively participate in the great Bijondo project are dutifully protected.
"Since I was little I have always had a passion for travel, design, beautiful things and business. After high school I went to live in Australia and before starting university I visited different parts of the world. In Asia and in South America I discovered beautiful jewels and clothes and that's how I decided to start my business, thinking about my own personal line of accessories. I started with very little in Berlin, I had my ideas and my color schemes, ed it was really all that was needed at the time to make jewelery out of materials natural, with a production mainly in wood, bold and colourful. I met my first customers in the markets of Berlin and at festivals in Germany, where I offered my accessories in a completely informal way...
"Since I was little I have always had a passion for travel, design, beautiful things and business. After high school I went to live in Australia and before starting university I visited different parts of the world. In Asia and in South America I discovered beautiful jewels and clothes and that's how I decided to start my business, thinking about my own personal line of accessories...
Quando il concetto di creativo, caotico, contrastante e non convenzionale del bohémien incontra la raffinatezza e la cura del dettaglio dell'espressione chic...nasce lo Stile Boho Chic! Si tratta di uno stile abbastanza recente nella moda, quando gli outfit di Kate Moss, Sienna Miller, Mary-Kate e Ashley Olsen, Fashion Icon dello stile Boho Chic, iniziano ad attrarre l’interesse di molte riviste di moda. Stiamo parlando degli anni 2000 quando la parola ‘boho' inizia a fare il suo ingresso nelle riviste internazionali come Vogue, iniziando a creare le basi per una identificazione dello stile Boho Chic che fino ad allora veniva spesso associato allo stile Gipsy, Hippie, Country e Etnico. Di sbagliato non c’é assolutamente nulla! Ci sono, infatti, molti elementi in comune, elementi adottati dallo stile Boho in chiave Chic. Sembra quasi che il Boho Chic rivisita gli evergreen dello stile Hippie, Gipsy, Country e Etnico in chiave fluida senza porre focus su elementi caratterizzanti: borse di paglia, collanoni, vestiti lunghi, frange, fantasie floreali e merletti, si fondono tra loro senza seguire regole precise.