Yellow outfit: what you need to know and tips to wear it at its best

Is Yellow the color you face your days with? There is no doubt: you are a dreamer and a perfectionist, but also an optimist, you love freedom so much.

Yellow is a cheerful, bright, stimulating color. It expresses the release of energy and the desire to free oneself from limits and all that is an obstacle, as well as openness, dynamism, vital and creative movement.

I dare say a color of rebirth and regeneration.

Obviously, like everything, even yellow with its vital light and the warmth of the sun, also brings with it the opposite psychological tendencies of danger, pain, anguish and risk.

As always, contexts and balance will help you manage your outfit and your wardrobe.

Wearing yellow will give you the right boost to face every challenge so we will choose it in the wardrobe if we want to express brilliance, joy, ambition, optimism and dreams of change and if we want to attract the eye and immediately capture attention.

It is no coincidence that yellow is the color that many powerful women wear.

Stimulating attention and clear and sharp thinking, it is very useful in the creative field.

Yellow is a very favorable vibration for mental or intellectual activity, as it promotes a clear state of mind. Yellow raises awareness and relieves depression, sadness, or any kind of despondency.
(Tae Yun Kim)

Wearing it, whether it's a straw yellow or gold, says a lot about us, but it's in any case very difficult to manage, which is why in everyday life yellow accessories make their most significant contribution with extreme simplicity.

For example, a necklace can rejuvenate an overly classic look in an instant, it takes away the banality of the casual and grit to the more sporty or practical looks as well as light and character to the total blacks that risk becoming "too black"!

For example, here are some proposals for Necklaces in Saffron Yellow >>>

If, on the other hand, we want to choose yellow clothes, we can keep in mind some suggestions:

  • Yellow combined with powder pink or beige is a very bon ton combination, suitable for a classic and feminine style
  • For those who don't want to attract attention, yellow dresses can be combined with a radiant orchid (a slightly darker fuchsia) and gold-colored accessories in this case cannot be missing
  • To make yellow a little more professional, blue and/or light blue helps us. Combining them, we get a reliable, yet fresh, summery allure.
  • Yellow combined with petroleum green certainly has an effect, and here the accessories can only help us. This combination can be declined in numerous styles and adapts to outfits for all circumstances. To get an idea of ​​the possible accessories in Green that can be combined, you can click here
  • However, the most sensual of all is the Yellow and Cherry Red combination; whether it's a jacket, a bag or a set of red accessories, this duo is truly incomparable. Among all I do not miss in this sense the Necklace Tibet or the Bahamas and Germany
  • A formal outfit requires instead to combine yellow with gray or silver and black . A black necklace of possible use in this case can be found here

Are you curious to know what the other colors mean and what effect they have?

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